Sunday 8 June 2008

Patience Wheatcroft! No, not even Boris Johnson knew about her... But KHOODEELAAR! did... and said so, a year ago...

KHOODEELAAR! No to ‘Crossrail hole’, No to ‘Crossrail hole plot-peddling Big Business tout ken Livingstone’ CAMPAIGN was spot on... A full year before it actually happened.... NOT EVEN Boris Johnson, KNEW it..... Khoodeelaar! exclusively revealed Patience Wheatcroft's 'role' a year before it happened......!

More, here, shortly.

We also PREVIEW What Patience Wheatcroft will NOT be doing, contrary to her appearance that she is not out to get the inner city people.....

Monday 21 May 2007

Crossrail hole plot-backing John Biggs on the Ken Livingstone LDA appears to have nodded off... no wonder there's been such waste....

By©Muhammad Haque
1230 Hrs GMT
8 June 2008

Crossrail hole plot-backing John Biggs on the Ken Livingstone LDA appears to have nodded off... no wonder there's been such waste....

Khoodeelaar! No to “CRASSrail hole plot” CAMPAIGN, in association with AADHIKAR Media Foundation, reports shortly and in detail, on the long nap that John Briggs [the so-called ‘increased’ ‘ voter-approved’ ‘rep’ in the name of the East End of London on the Lousy Assembly [‘the so-called London regional Assembly’ contrived and created by the lying regime of Tony Blair] has taken where matters of public funding of corrupt outfits may have been involved and we show how John Biggs has defied his apparent size [denoted by his name][ and has in fact been a very small player where the matter of accountability for the East End of London has been concerned...

More, here, shortly


AADHIKARonline as published on the site
Editor’s note;
0432 Hrs GMT
Tuesday 22 May 2007
Please remember that hyper text links [mentioned in the contents of the AADHIKARonline files below] may not be available from this web page or site

Khoodeelaar! the Brick Lane and Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 Area Campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill and the campaign in general for the social, economic, environmental and democratic and constitutional and legal defence of the East End of London

Editor©Muhammad Haque


AADHIKARonline Editor’s note – summarised version viewable HERE
ADHIKARonline 4th Edition 0420 Hrs GMT Tuesday 22.05.2007
Khoodeelaar! No to CrossRail hole plot attacks on the East End of London
The Muhammad Haque daily [‘UK constitutional and legal] commentary

0350 Hrs GMT London Tuesday 22 May 2007
Khoodeelaar! Legal – and, emphasising the point, CONSTITUTIONAL law challenges to the crassly conceived, Big Business ploy for robbing the UK public purse, the Crossrail hole scheme scam project Bill, are being commenced this week with the filing of the first of the series of claims by Khoodeelaar! in the High Court in London.

The process is going to be long and unglamorous. And arduous. It is also the only way that the very seriously flawed and unsound Crossrail hole plot is going to be examined in ways that ought to have happened within the forums that allegedly exist with the mandate of the people – the UK elected bodies like the House of Commons. That the UK House of Commons has failed to make the scrutiny of the contents and the implications of the ‘Crossrail Bill’ possible shows the bankruptcy of the ‘elected’ parliament. Whether that moral, political, democratic [in the sense of 'being related to the level of democracy and to the abuse of democracy' - not to be confused with 'in accordance with the universal rules of democracy'] bankruptcy has been caused by Big Business directly dictating the agenda and the terms of reference of the actual application of the allegedly democratic powers as available to the allegedly elected representatives is not possible to be ascertained, identified, explained by reference to any actually written evidence of how the Blaired UK House of Commons has been used or , more accurately on the facts, abused [by the Blairing regime] to deprive the people the say that the people are supposed to have the right to get aired through the House that exists in the name of the ‘common’, the ordinary people. But the way that the ‘Crossrail Bill’ ‘select committee’ [in the UK House of Commons!] has so far behaved leaves no room for doubting its actual allegiances – they have been unconstitutionally aligned to the promoters of the Big Business Crossrail hole plot. Just like the CrossRail hole line has been misaligned and the misaligning of it done in a way that the Big Business plotters and their touts in place on the ‘local’ Tower Hamlets Council wanted in order to achieve their sinister purpose of sneaking in a plot that would be impossible to get past the people if the people were allowed the say on the implications, the effects, the losses to the peoples’ lives and to the peoples’ environment that the misaligned p line would cause…All the allegedly objecting petitions ['against the CrossRail Bill'] that were formally submitted [September 2005] before the bogus select committee on the UK House of Commons were shown to have been being of a standard and of a significance that were higher than any action that the sane objectors could take on the ordinary street level. That was because there is the brainwashed emptiness in the physically [biologically] located upper chambers of the ‘leaders’ in sections of the interests and the factions [as 'recognised' by the poodling UK state ] who still ‘believe’ [quite 'dispassionately' passionately and fanatically 'sombrely'] that anything located in or near ‘Parliament’ is by definition ‘higher and more important’. That that is a lie has been exposed repeatedly and consistently in and THROUGHOUT the history of the struggles for rights that have been witnessed in even the most zombified, brainwashed-populated [not to speak of CCTV-ed and otherwise spied on] of western societies, that is the UK.. With the legal challenges being filed this week, we are about to witness the spectacle of the emptiness of human rights in the UK courts system as well… Then the journey will reach the European human rights processing courts…
That processing experience will be one of those revealing, educational ones which are of necessity necessary so that the sham claims about democracy, about Parliament being the representative of the people can be again exposed… and the people - and their attention, limited though its span may be - drawn to the need to assert their universally derived inalienable right to say the truth and demand the truth…
[To be continued]
CLICK HERE to view the wanton idiocies and ignorance being peddled by the zombified propaganda ‘businesses’ that have been hired by Big Business [which has enjoyed a dominant role within the Blair regime whence it has conducted the increasingly undemocratic control over vast parts of society in and via the UK, destroying communities and taking away civil liberties and human rights] to tout for the Crossrail hole plot - like the website ‘’ [at 0240 Hrs GMT Tuesday 22 May 2007] allegedly doing a professional job for ‘freelance’ writers and creative individuals in the UK
Khoodeelaar! exposing the latest Crassrail lies by the London EVENING Standard which is getting crasser by the day as it loses all credibility with the people on issues of key policy and economic issues in the London ‘region'—and continuing the unmasking of Tony 'the academic Fraudster' Travers at the LSE -
The London EVENING STANDARD is a parasite, a propaganda sheet that is being controlled and promoted by Big Business which is not the voice of London. Gordon Brown must not listen to the parochialists who have been foisted on the image of London,. The people of London are saying opposite to what the EVENING STANDARD says, the people of London NEED the opposite of what the EVENING STANDARD says – more to follow
Khoodeelaar! calls on Gordon Brown to publish all the evidence the UK Treasury has of all the claims made so far by the touts for Crossrail hole Big Business- the evidence will show that Crossrail is not the panacea to the UK Transport problems, rather a costly, uneconomic, diversion of precious resources needed for health, education, environment - which the UK public cannot afford to indulge in – More to follow
NO to Gordon Brown being manoeuvred by Big Business into creating the de facto equivalent of dozens of Millennium Domes wastes – that those will be among the consequences if Brown gives into the CRASSrail hole plotters plotting to loot £Billions of public money under the excuse of ‘Crossrail’
Khoodeelaar! No to ALL violations of all rights and interests of the local community by and or via and or through the local Council,, by the GLA ‘member’, by all other occupants in or of posts in the name of the local community
Khoodeelaar! the summary of the first court claims being field against Crossrail hole Bill this week – texts due to be posted here and on the associated Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill web sites during Tuesday 22 May 2007
Khoodeelaar! another exclusive report starting here at 2200 Hrs GMT on Tuesday 22 May 2007 on the Corruption of public sector housing by Tower Hamlets Council -
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail ‘miniature’ hole digging in Bow, London E3
Khoodeelaar! legal action programme – against Tower Hamlets Council and others – claim form details to be published here in the next few hours
Khoodeelaar! demonstration against ‘Planning aid for London aiding and abetting Crossrail hole plot against the community’ – date, time and venue details here during Tuesday 22 May 2007
Khoodeelaar! campaign against Crossrail hole activities and updates

From the previous editions of AADHIKARonline as published upto Monday 21 May 2007

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill – Selected texts on the campaign during the past 40 months – coming on this AADHIKARonline web site and on the related web sites shortly
Khoodeelaar! demands to Tower Hamlets CrossRail hole-inviter Council - Khoodeelaar! demand as reiterated by the 1000 strong public meeting [held in the Hanbury Street, off Brick Lane, London E1, on Sunday 22 January 2006] backing the Khoodeelaar! call to Tower Hamlets Council to pass the Motion saying clear No to CrossRail hole Bill
Khoodeelaar Legal action programme updates – claims against Tower Hamlets CrossRail hole-inviter, Crossrail hole-bringer Council CLICK HERE to view the latest set of Khoodeelaar! legal claims updated against Tower Hamlets Council and its ‘leader’ Denise Jones today [Sunday 20 May 2007]

When Oona King LIED for Crossrail hole plot in the UK House of Commons

What the relevant ‘local MP’ stated about Crossrail hole at the given time – This is the first time that the Khoodeelaar! campaign is actually referring to what the ‘then local MP’, ‘Oona King’, stated in the UK House of Commons on 13 May 2003.

Four years and a week ago this week!

According to the entry in the official record of proceedings in the UK House of Commons, ‘Hansard’, on 13 May 2003 at column 151

“Ms Oona King (Bethnal green and Bow):

My right. Hon. Friend will be aware of the immense support in my constituency for Crossrail, which will link Whitechapel to Heathrow..”

There will be a Khoodeelaar! commentary on the role for Crossrail hole plotters that Oona King played all along whilst she was still in place as the so-called local MP for Bethnal Green and Bow

[To be continued]
What the ‘local councillors’ said at the relevant time
What the ‘media’ said about Crossrail, when they aid it and what they said about the campaign against the Crossrail hole
What the ‘local MP’ THEN did , that is, what they did or failed to do, after making the statement/s they did make about Crossrail
What the local councillors did and did not do THEN ….
What the ‘media’ did and did not do after publishing what they did first publish about the campaign against Crossrail hole
AADHIKARonline commentary on the ‘Undone mayor’ and the chief tout for the Crossrail hole plot against the East End of London Ken Livingstone
0100 Hrs GMT London Sunday 20 May 2007

The collection of promotions given to the ‘Undone mayor’ Ken Livingstone by the UK mainstream media has been regularly pointed out by AADHIKARonline and by the AADHIKJAR Media Foundation. We have also pointed out- and shall continue to point out – the corrupt and the near criminal plugs given to the liar in the office of mayor of London by the BBC. The poisonous Ken Livingstone’s lying record is matched by the lying record of promotions for him that has been ‘achieved’ [!] by the perniciously dishonestly edited Guardian 'news' group over the past 25 years. When it comes to it, the so-called Independent is not anything of the sort. It is mis-edited by whoever is the controlling group’s editor, the London Independent being devoid of the knowledge that is absolutely a vital prerequisite for making the informed and significant comment on whoever is in the office of mayor of London.
The oozing words as uttered by the brothelisingly-staffed ‘London news room’ exhibited by the ITV outfit [now ‘chaired’ by the Pornographer in chief of Channel 4 disgrace, Michael Grade] in promoting the corrupt image of the ‘Undone Mayor’ Livingstone over his bogus ‘climate conference’ stunt as staged at a location in the USA city of New York last week, showed the utter emptiness of content on the mainstream media. And the frighteningly worrying lack of intelligence. Intelligence in the sense of knowledge of what the facts are and what is going on in the key parts of London decision-making. In London demography.
In London elected politics. In London society. In London environment. In London economics, if there is such a phenomenon...Now comes that rare and equally disappointing event! An actual article in one of the British mainstream media that in fact contains a phrase that is literally critical of the ‘Undone mayor’. The liar Ken.
The piece is by-lined to Patience Wheatcroft’s, herself no stranger to being given adulatory promotions by her fellow ‘mainstream media commentators’.
As is the case, the Khoodeelaar! campaign against Crossrail has already in the recent past commented on Patience Wheatcroft’s about the particular piece she had published about the Blairing of the UK society.
But the piece she has just published about London is worth publishing here for the sheer desperation that she represents.
She is calling for another New York, USA-based ['superman' !] man [remember the CIA man Bob Kiley that Livingstone is still making very rich at the expense of the London people!] to come to the rescue of London.
Like the Dave Ca-moronist plea for a suitably able and appropriate and charismatic personality to become Tory candidate to challenge Ken Livingstone, Patience Wheatcroft’s in this piece is showing a very serious ignorance about the real problems that Lyinsgtone typifies, personifies We shall be commenting further on the piece here in the next few days. Before we do so, we are letting visitors to our web sites access to what Ms Wheatcroft has in fact said h in her piece.

CLICK HERE to view Patience Wheatcroft’s comments on the failures of the ‘Undone mayor’ Ken Lyingstill Livingstone as published on the London Daily Telegraph group’s web site as accessed by AADHIKARonline at 0045 Hrs GMT Sunday 20 May 2007
[To be continued]

From the AADHIKARonline editions published on Saturday 19 may 2007

New publication arrangements on these web pages effective this edition Saturday 19 May 2007

Pages will be published in order of subjects and topics under the general programme of the Khoodeelaar! campaign against the Crossrail hole plot, scheme, scam, project Bill accessible separately . From this edition on, a number of regular features will be published and accessible by web links to the other items
AADHIKAR Media Foundation supporting the Khoodeelaar! the Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 UK Area No to Crossrail hole Bill campaign
Here is the first of those features. This is an updated report on the evidence of what we have been doing to stop the Tower Hamlets Council acting as the ‘local authority-cum-tout’ for the Crossrail hole-deployers against the East End of London. View MUHAMMD HAQUE updating [Saturday 19 May 2007] on the wrongful, unlawful and the illegal role played by Christine Gilbert in the Tower Hamlets Council’s inviting the Crossrail hole attacks on the East End of London

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole summary of demands to Gordon Brown, the UK Finance Minister, the UK Department for Transport and the Secretary of State at the UK Department for Transport [DfT], the main ‘promoter’ of the Crossrail Bill [now in the UK House of Commons]
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole summary of demands to all ‘active political parties, groupings and organisations’ at the ‘elected’ forums of ‘representation; including the ‘local MP’, the local GLA member, the local Council
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole summary of demands to CLRL, TfL and the GLA
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole summary of demands to OFCOM
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole summary of demands to the BBC
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole legal action programme updates
Khoodeelaar! Campaign aims and objects – summarised update

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole: technology watch at 1820 Hrs GMT Saturday 19 May 2007Crassrail hole plot is being linked to bleak prospects on IT capacity in London

Khoodeelaar! the Brick Lane and Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 Area Campaign
the Crossrail hole Bill and the campaign in general for the social, economic, environmental and democratic and constitutional and legal defence of the East End of London
Khoodeelaar! Questions to CrossRail hole-inviter Tower Hamlets Council ‘leader’ Denise Jones – texts here during Wednesday 16 May 2007

Khoodeelaar! Say No to Crossrail hole plot campaign Questions to ‘Opposition’ councillors on Tower Hamlets Council – texts during the day Wednesday 16 May 2007 here
Khoodeelaar! Say No to Crossrail hole plotter ‘Undone mayor’ Ken Livingstone
Khoodeelaar! No Crossrail hole-plot backer ‘BBC London’ ‘transport’ ‘reporter’ Andrew Whine-Stone-lie- texts here during Wednesday 16 May 2007
Khoodeelaar! Say No to Crossrail hole plot-backer GLA ‘representative’ John Biggs -Texts here during Wednesday 16 May 2007
Khoodeelaar! Say No to Crossrail hole plot backer ‘Secretary of State’ ‘Douglas’ Alexander – texts here during Wednesday 16 May 2007
Khoodeelaar! Say No to Crossrail hole-plot-backing lying ‘legal advice’ confector on Tower Hamlets Council – updated questions and texts of new demands here during Wednesday 16 May 2007
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill legal action programme update/s during Wednesday 16 May 2007
Texts of Khoodeelaar! demand to Tower Hamlets Council – pass the Motion, Say No to CrossRail hole Bill at the next scheduled Full Council meeting –[Texts are scheduled to be posted on this and on associated web sites during Tuesday 15 May 2007 and Wednesday 16 may 2007]
When did who say “Get cross with Crossrail”? Answer: the KhoodeelaaR! Movement stated in January 2004 to get cross with CrossRail. Indeed, that was one of the very first campaign against Crossrail hole plot slogans and headings that we had used to start the campaign … It has taken the daily Telegraph more than 3 years to understand the truth and to agree that Crossrail is and remains something that justifiably warrants getting cross about. For the Crossrail Bill [now in the UK House of Commons] is based on a crass, flawed scheme and it does not deserve to be given any more public support. The UK Treasury must apply the money instead to meeting the needs of the people by improving existing transport infrastructure, by backing real education and environment programmes. Even the Daily Telegraph’s commentator says that he remains unconvinced by the Crossrail plot backers. He does not sue the word [plot’, of course. That may take the Telegraph another 3 years [or even longer] to understand and agree with. But even with their limited understanding of the essential flaws and crassness of the present Crossrail scheme, it is worth giving them the relevant exposure and the added publicity through this Khoodeelaar! Campaign against CrossRail outlet. [The key points from what the London Daily Telegraph has published will be summarised and linked here in the next few hours]
Khoodeelaar! updater reports on the threats facing the East End of London not just from the still un-cleared ‘WW2’ bombs but from the environmental hazards being imposed by Ken Livingstone who is spinning out of all contacts with the realities of the problems he has been causing to communities in London
The truth about the CON-gestion charge platforms
How Livingstone is preparing to condemn the victims of the failures of Tower Hamlets Council by accusing the poor of being poor! – coming here shortly
What George Galloway’s ‘RESPECT group ‘leader’ on the Tower Hamlets Council Abjol Miah had said before he was elected councillor - and who stopped George Galloway answering the Khoodeelaar! Question about what the ‘RESPECT’ group would do if they ever got any power to make decisions on Tower Hamlets Council – here shortly
Khoodeelaar! the Brick Lane and Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 Area Campaign
the Crossrail hole Bill and the campaign in general for the social, economic, environmental and democratic and constitutional and legal defence of the East End of London
Brick Lane No to Crossrail hole Bill! Brick Lane, Whitechapel, and Stepney London E1 No to Crossrail hole plot liars on the London EVENING STANDARD

Khoodeelaar! Quoting the London [Rupert Murdoched], Times admitting the crassness at the core of the hugely flawed London Crossrail hole project


May 10, 2007

Crossrail shapes up as yet another bottomless pit

Graham Searjeant, Financial Editor

Last week’s earthquake in Folkestone left Eurotunnel unmoved. Physically, this chunk of Anglo-French infrastructure is made of sterner stuff. Financially, it was crumbling before the cross-Channel shuttle service started 13 years ago. . Even completing the project, at nearly double its imagined cost, was a tribute to the Eurotunnel boss, the late Sir Alistair Morton. The tunnel has since carried 12 million vans and lorries, most of them bringing in imports. But shareholders have not been paid a dividend and lenders have been asked repeatedly to restructure the company’s debts and forgo interest.
A few investors still made money. In 1989, after an inauspicious launch in the wake of the 1987 crash, Eurotunnel units trebled and briefly quadrupled in price, allowing Robert Maxwell and a few others to make a killing. Others, mainly British, cut their losses by driving their car on to the shuttle free or at a reduced price. The rest of us have received nothing. Over 20 years, Eurotunnel share units have lost perhaps 90 per cent of their original value. This solid infrastructure is like the worst of the dot-com follies.
Next week about 400,000 French and 100,000 British investors must decide whether to swap their shares for a 13 per cent stake in a new company that will still have £2.8 billion of debt. The alternative, according to the board, is liquidation.
You need no sympathy for investors to realise that about £4 billion has been poured down this drain. The Channel Tunnel was seen as an international infrastructure project that would bring huge economic benefits to Britain and France. The timing was unlucky, the structure flawed and the risks high. As a result, it has proved, instead, to be a massive misuse of resources. Now that the capital has been sunk several fathoms down, we are glad to have it, but living standards in Britain and France would be marginally higher if it never had been built.
. Twenty years on, Gordon Brown may be planning a repeat. Nose-tappers reckon that, having stalled so far, he would give full state backing to Crossrail if he became prime minister. Crossrail is a name for several projects round the country. This one is a mainline railway, travelling via 13 miles of new tunnels through Central London, linking Heathrow with the chief commercial, financial and shopping districts. It has been dreamt about for decades and still seems to be modified every week. Cost estimates run from £7 billion to £15 billion, depending on what you include for overruns, capital costs and which of many options is chosen.
Like Eurotunnel, it has the quality of appealing to different groups for different reasons, some contradictory. MPs for commuter districts see it saving their voters from travelling in degrading cattle-truck conditions. Green campaigners imagine that it would take traffic off roads, while City jet-setters want to speed from Heathrow first class, avoiding hoi polloi.
An economic study commissioned for the joint Whitehall/London municipal company suggests that it could bring benefits to London’s economy averaging between £600 million and £1.1 billion a year. Yet much of this benefit stems from enabling many thousands more people to commute into London, boosting carbon emissions but raising the efficiency gains from having even more, bigger financial firms in the same place.
No economic gain will be made, however, unless the benefits earn a market return to match the risks. At Eurotunnel, revenue projections proved to be as optimistic as those on costs. As the use of a wide range suggests, estimates of future gains are bound to be uncertain. At least commuters are likely to be a reliable market and the Mayor of London can prevent fare competition. So London First, the local business lobby group, argues: “Crossrail eventually will pay for itself. The difficulty is how you fund it during construction.”
Eurotunnel shows that this is a rash assumption. Cost inflation and revenue deflation can quickly wreck it. Crossrail is intended to be financed by a combination of government grants and loans, which would be secured partly on future fares but mainly on a supplement to London business rates. Eurotunnel was privately funded, by investors willing to bear risk. As in pensions, the State has moved from voluntary to compulsory private funding.
Crossrail has a structure as flawed as Eurotunnel. No one party is in charge yet many have real interests, breaking the unity between specification, management, ownership and financing.
There is a high risk of cost overruns. The construction industry already reports a shortage of tunnelling engineers. There is little shortage of jobs. Crossrail is budgeted to take eight years to complete, two years more than the Channel Tunnel and too long for political gain. Regulation on behalf of residents will be intrusive. It is unclear who the funder of last resort is, but we can guess. If economic welfare and risk were the tests rather than glory, it would make more sense to build an extra 100,000 homes in the Central London area. This could be achieved easily by cooperation between planners and developers. That would probably go for the other Crossrails, too.

Khoodeelaar! unQuoting the London [Rupert Murdoched], Times admitting the crassness at the core of the hugely flawed London Crossrail hole project


May 10, 2007

[Visit the main news web site to view the fuller contents]